Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Big step in a Big journey

Friday night was amazing!! We had a fundraising dinner for our adventure to Guatemala.  I can not believe all of the love and support we are receiving from friends and family! It was so great to see so many people there and hear their words of encouragement.

 As we are getting rid of everything we own, closing chapters of our life that we have been living for years, it is really easy to second guess our decision. God provides confirmation along the way and it is always right when we need it. Friday night was one of those times.

To see so many people we care so much about, give up their Friday night to come and show their support for us was awesome! To have good friends like Mark and Kari validate us and what we are doing was awesome!

To hear my husband share what all of this means to him, awesome!

To see our beautiful girls (and our beautiful friend Izzy) dance for the Lord and share what this is all about for them, awesome!

This night was a BIG step in a BIG journey and God is using all of our friends and family to help us along the way!

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